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Collaborative Shipping: Paving the Way to Net Zero Logistics

Paving the Way to Net Zero Logistics

The logistics industry is at a pivotal moment. As one of the largest contributors to global emissions, transportation must evolve swiftly to meet the increasing demands for sustainability and carbon reduction. The future of logistics is rooted in reducing carbon footprints, and two critical strategies have emerged: electrification and collaborative shipping.

Collaborative Shipping: Paving the Way to Net Zero Logistics


The logistics industry is at a pivotal moment. As one of the largest contributors to global emissions, transportation must evolve swiftly to meet the increasing demands for sustainability and carbon reduction. The future of logistics is rooted in reducing carbon footprints, and two critical strategies have emerged: electrification and collaborative shipping.

The Need for a Net Zero Logistics System

Transportation accounts for 25% of the EU’s total emissions, with heavy-duty trucks and buses making up a significant portion. As the demand for road freight is expected to rise by 47% by 2050, a fundamental shift is needed to decouple these emissions from increasing transport demand. Electrification, though essential, presents complex challenges including high upfront costs, technological uncertainty, and infrastructure gaps.

The whitepaper emphasizes that achieving net zero emissions in logistics requires a comprehensive, system-wide approach. This involves not just the transition to battery electric vehicles (BEVs) but also the integration of digital tools and strategic collaboration between all stakeholders—manufacturers, logistics providers, energy suppliers, and end customers.

The Role of Electrification

Electrification is a cornerstone in reducing logistics-related emissions. Battery electric trucks are advancing rapidly, with several original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) producing vehicles that meet long-haul requirements. However, widespread adoption has been slow. In 2024, only 1.1% of heavy-duty vehicles sold in Europe were electric, primarily due to high initial costs and limited infrastructure.

For smaller transport operators—who represent 70% of the market—the capital required to transition to electric vehicles is a significant barrier. These operators often have older fleets, and the cost of an electric truck, which is 2–3 times higher than a diesel truck, is a substantial investment. Beyond vehicle costs, infrastructure such as en-route charging stations is underdeveloped, creating further hurdles for long-distance transport.

Collaborative Shipping: A Solution Beyond Silos

The whitepaper highlights that decarbonization cannot be achieved in isolation. The logistics ecosystem is fragmented, with various actors—manufacturers, suppliers, logistics providers, and energy companies—operating in silos. This lack of coordination leads to inefficiencies, duplicated efforts, and slowed progress towards sustainability goals.

Collaborative shipping emerges as a key solution. By fostering greater transparency and collaboration, shippers and logistics providers can optimize their operations, reduce inefficiencies, and share investments in infrastructure. A central orchestrator role is essential to manage the complex logistics network, ensuring that all stakeholders align towards common sustainability targets. This orchestrator can identify bottlenecks, streamline processes, and maintain momentum in the transition to electric logistics.

Digital Transformation: A Catalyst for Change

Digital innovation is crucial for supporting electrification in logistics. Advanced AI and machine learning tools can optimize routes, manage vehicle range, and predict energy consumption, making electric logistics more cost-effective. For instance, generative AI can automate planning processes and suggest optimal integration strategies for electric trucks within existing fleets. By reducing operational complexity and improving efficiency, these digital tools are vital for accelerating the shift towards sustainable transport.

A Roadmap to a Greener, Smarter Future

The path to net zero logistics is clear but challenging. Electrification and collaboration must go hand in hand, supported by digital tools that enhance efficiency. The logistics industry can transform itself from a major carbon emitter to a driving force for sustainability, but only through coordinated, system-wide efforts.

As the whitepaper outlines, achieving a greener, smarter, and more resilient logistics sector by 2030 will require bold leadership, innovative thinking, and a commitment to collaborative action. By addressing the barriers to electrification and embracing digital transformation, the logistics industry can pave the way to a sustainable future that benefits both the economy and the planet.

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